Monday, September 7, 2015

UPDATES for Week of 9/7 - 9/12

Volunteer Needs:

We are in need of additional volunteers for today's games please!  The schedule has been updated on the Blog, but note the openings below:

September 8 
JV - 1 line judge and 1 libero tracker
Varsity - 1 libero tracker

Please email April Tibbles your availability to volunteer so we can fill these slots ASAP:

This Week's GAMES:

Tuesday, 9/8 - Home vs. West Jefferson

Saturday, 9/12 - 2pm, AWAY:  Tri-Meet at Northridge HS (Johnstown) with Northridge & Granville Christian Academy.  Address:  – Northridge HS, 6066 Johnstown Utica Rd., Johnstown, 43031


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