Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Hello CA VB Parents,

I, Melanie Vodnick (Mother of Lauren) and Polly Clavijo (Mother of Ana) will be your 2013 Volleyball team parents.  We are tasked with coordinating volunteers, snack, spirit ware, senior night and the banquet for our Volleyball Vikes.  Needless to say, we need your help to make the season run smoothly. 

As you likely know, Volleyball is the MOST demanding sport for parent volunteers.  Each match requires 2-7 volunteers to make it ‘run’.  For this reason attendance at the Parent meeting on Tue. Aug. 13th at 7:30 PM, is very important.  PLEASE come with your calendar so you can sign up to support our girls. 

Something to think about… Polly and I need parents who are willing to lead the following activities;
·       Senior night (2 non senior parents)
·       Banquet (2 parents)
·       Snack coordinator (1 parent)
If you are interested in asisting, please send me an email ( ) 

The Viking Corner team has identifying an assortment of general spirit ware which can be ordered via the Viking Corner web site; .  Any of  the items ordered will have a CA Volleyball logo.  I encourage you to order quickly, because quantities are limited.  Please note, in keeping with tradition, the girls will also design a 2014 ‘custom’ spirit T-shirt.

 If you have not already done so, please go to the CA VB Blog and sign up to receive emails.  This is how you will receive ongoing  information about schedule updates, team activities and general information (photos…). 
·       Log onto the CA VB Blog
·       Under the 'Updates via email'    box you can input your email address and info   will be sent to you automatically

 All the best,
Melanie & Polly

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