Saturday, October 22, 2011

Player Uniforms

Dear Athletes and Families,

Player Uniforms (Warm up shirts and jerseys) should be turned in to Coach Gepper's Classroom washed and labeled with your name in a individual shopping bag. There will be a marked uniform bin in the classroom for you to drop it off and a sign up sheet letting us know the number of the jersey you are dropping off and the size of the warm up shirt. If you fail to turn in either your warm up jersey or uniform before Friday, October 28th, you will be charged to your Columbus Academy account. Again, YOU MUST MARK YOU JERSEY AND WARM UP SHIRT WITH YOUR NAME BY USING A SMALL PIECE OF PAPER AND PUT IT IN A SHOPPING BAG INSIDE THE BIN. Please do not disturb Coach Gepper if she is conducting class, just place the marked jerseys in the bin and sign the paper quietly. Please DO NOT bring your uniform and warm up to the banquet on Wednesday. Thanks for your attention to this.

-The Coaching Staff

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