Saturday, July 19, 2014

Volleyball Camp and Summer League

Hello families,

Just a reminder that this is the last week for Wednesday night Summer League.  This Wednesday will be at Whitehall.  Warm-ups start at 5 and play starts at 5:30 and ends at 7:30.  It is ok if you need to be late due to transportation, because we play in 30 minute increments so you will definitely be able to play!

Also, the following week we will have our team camp with Coach Monica McDonald.  Wednesday (July 30) night we will go from 5-9pm with a dinner break in between.  Thursday (July 31) will be the same hours, 5-9pm with a dinner break in between.  Friday we will scrimmage Gahanna Christian from 6-8pm.  (This will not be included in the cost of camp).  The cost of camp for two days is $45 (total).  Please make checks payable to Monica McDonald, or you may pay her in exact cash.  Please put the money in an envelope marked with your child's name so we can keep track of what has been paid.  We also ask that you bring in $10 cash for dinner ($5 for each day) so we can order food during the break.  Please send in exact cash for dinner as well.

Thanks for your help with these items!

-Coach R.


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Summer League, etc.

Dear families,

We have two sessions left in our volleyball league on Wednesday nights.  We have had to borrow girls from other teams to be able to form a team for the league.  This Wednesday will be at Columbus Academy and the 23rd will be at Whitehall.  Warm-ups start at 5 and play starts at 5:30.  If transportation is an issue, you can get there late.  Games go in 30 minute increments.

Also, please email Coach Roehrenbeck if you will be attending the Team Camp ran by Monica McDonald from Otterbein on July 30, 31, and August 1.  We would like to have a head count ASAP.

Also, if you know of any new volleyball players, please direct them to our blog and remind them to sign up for email updates!

Thank you,
Coach R