Friday, June 27, 2014

Summer League Updates

Hello families,

We have four dates left for our summer league.  We have agreed to host 2 of those dates at Columbus Academy, so please mark your calendars for the following changes.  If you are in town, please make an effort to attend.  If getting a ride is an issue, please send Coach Roehrenbeck an email or a text.  

July 2nd - AT Whitehall
July 9th - AT Columbus Academy
July 16th - AT Columbus Academy
July 23rd - AT Whitehall

Thank you,
Coach R.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Open Gym/Wednesday Night Volleyball League

Hello all,

I just wanted to send a quick update that we will be taking a break from open gyms for a few weeks since we have a lot of people traveling (NO OPEN GYM THIS WEEK).  If you aren't traveling, I'd like to remind you that we are still offering your Monday, Wednesday, Friday workouts as well as the league on Wednesday nights.  We encourage you to attend the workouts so that you are in shape at the start of the season.

Please send Coach Roehrenbeck an email, or text if YOU WILL be attending each Wednesday night.  We need to make sure we have enough players.  Thanks for your help with this.

-Coach R.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Open Gym Tonight

There will be an open gym tonight, Thursday, June 19th at 8PM.  See you then!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Open Gym

There will be an open gym this Thursday, June 12 at 8 pm at Columbus Academy.  We will finish around 9:15 pm.