Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Updated Schedule

Athletes and Families,

Our 2014 Fall Schedule has been posted on the blog for your reference.  I've also updated part of the summer schedule (including kids camp dates - for athletes to help and gain service hours, and a tentative team camp date at the end of July).  I've added some OFF days to the schedule as well so that you may plan your appointments and vacations ahead of time, to avoid missing practice and game days.    I have not added Open Gym times yet, because I'd like to confirm other dates first.  Tryout days and times have also been listed in August.  Click on online team calendar for the dates and times.

Please pass the blog information on to new volleyball athletes so they are signed up to receive updates.  (8th graders especially).  Coach Hammond also asked me to remind you that OFF SEASON WEIGHT LIFTING is Monday- Thursday 4-5pm in the Spring.  Please be sure to get in there if you are not participating in another sport.  It would also be helpful to find a buddy to go in with, so you can hold each other accountable.

As I receive summer updates, I will add them to our calendar and post to the blog when it's available.  Thanks for your patience and I hope you all are well!

-Coach Roehrenbeck

2014 Volleyball Schedule